Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Web Data Scraping Services Have Various Method Of Business

Magnetic or optical data removal or Data Scraping Services is a term that refers to the elimination of digital storage media. Data Scraping Services of the method varies, depending on medium and method used in the process.

Similarly, patents, models, business strategies and other confidential business information, including sensitive data, can be easily accessed by others if the data is not deleted.As I said in the beginning, Data Scraping Services methods vary depending on the storage medium. For each storage medium, there are a variety of Data Scraping Services techniques.

Optical media such as  that can be destroyed by the plastic granulating. This method does not extract information, but makes recovery almost impossible. However, removal of thin film that coats the top of the disk, scraping, sanding by hand or destroy physical data. In contrast, using the microwave, a less traditional technologies, stable and disk storage layer of the thin film is very effective for the most common cause sparks to load.

Typical modern magnetic media and hard drives, tape backup units of such media is possible, but in the face of such devices requires considerable financial investment in the plant. Acids, in particular, nitric acid, 50% concentration in the iron oxide layer to react with violence, it will be completely destroyed within a few minute. In some cases it may be a storage alternative for incineration. However, this may inadvertently expose caseinogens operator and may be restricted in certain countries.

Data Scraping Services, on the other hand, is defined by Wikipedia as "an automatic search for large stores of data for patterns of practice." In other words, you already know, and you learn things about it useful analysis.

Data Scraping Services is often accompanied by a lot of complex algorithms based on statistical methods. How do you see the data in the first place - is not. Data Scraping Services analysis, you only care about what is already there in many cases, a single-pass binary wipe (to write random zeroes and ones riding) will permanently deletes all data from the storage device to remove.

use of materials recovery.
It is for this reason that the technology has been left until last.
Data Scraping Services, screen scraping is not.
This is a great simplification, so I will work a bit.

Fast-forwarding to the web world today, screen scraping is the information relates to websites. This means that computer programs "crawl" or can "spider" through web sites, data retrieval. people, We deserved pages, text data Scraping Services, automated data collection, data extraction and web site even bloody website if we have a problem it presents some.

Data Scraping Services, on the other hand, is defined by Wikipedia as "an automatic search for large stores of data for patterns of practice." In other words, you already know, and you learn things about it useful analysis. Data Scraping Services is often accompanied by a lot of complex algorithms based on statistical methods. How do you see the data in the first place - is not. Data Scraping Services analysis, you only care about what is already there.


Why Hand-Scraped Flooring?

So many types of flooring possibilities exist on the market, so why hand-scraped hardwood and why now? Trends for hardwoods come and go. In recent years, the demand for exotic species has grown, and even more closer to the present, requests for hand-scraped flooring are also increasing. As a result, nearly all species are available hand-scraped, but walnut, hickory, cherry, and oak are the most popular.

In the past, parquet was a popular style of flooring, and while seldom seen in the present, parquet was characterized by an angular style and contrasting woods. Not relying on color, hand-scraped flooring instead goes for texture. The wood is typically scraped by hand, creating a rustic and unique look for every plank. But rather than be exclusively rough, some hand-scraped products have a smoother sculpted look, such as hand-sculpted hardwood, and this flooring is often considered "classic."

Texture, as well, makes the flooring have additional visual and tactile dimensions. Those walking on the floor may just want to run their hands over the surface to feel the knots, scraping, and sculpted portions. However, tastes for hand-scraped flooring vary by region. According to top hardwood manufacturer Armstrong, the sculpted look is more requested in California, while a rustic appearance of knots, mineral streaks, and graining is more common in the Southwest. The Northeast, on the other hand, is just catching onto this trend.

There's no one look for hand-scraped flooring. Rather, hardwood is altered through scraping or brushing, finishing, or aging; a combination of such techniques may also be used.

Scraped or brushed hardwoods are sold under names "wire brushed," which has accented grain and no sapwood; "hand-sculpted," which indicates a smoother distressed appearance; and "hand hewn and rough sawn," which describes the roughest product available.

Aged hand-scraped products go by "time worn aged" or "antique." For both of these, the wood is aged, and then the appearance is accented through dark-colored staining, highlighting the grain, or contouring. A lower grade of hardwood is used for antique.

A darker stain tends to bring out the look of hand-scraped flooring. For woods that have specifically been stained, "French bleed" is the most common. Such a product has deeper beveled edges, and joints are emphasized with a darker color stain.

No matter the look for hand-scraped flooring, the hardwood is altered by hand, generally by a trained craftsman, such as an Amish woodworker. As a result, every plank looks unique. However, "hand-scraped" and "distressed" are often used interchangeably, but not all "distressed" products are altered by hand. Instead, the hardwood is distressed by machine, which presses a pattern into the surface of the wood.


Sunday, 28 December 2014

Damaged Or Affected Information Providers By Web Scraping Service

Data Scraping Services and computer hardware to grow. How is this possible? It's really simple. Computer systems installed and set in metal boxes and cabinets are a combination of electronic circuit cards. Conductive metal of choice because steel is very strong and affordable. Steel is often plated to prevent oxidation and corrosion.

Galvanizing material of choice because it is still relatively cheap, conductive, and provides a well finished appearance. Many computer enclosures are galvanized rack shelf supports, rails and other structural elements. Data Scraping Services are everywhere, they are not visible? Remember that Data Scraping Services thinner than a human hair and about You are looking for them to find them. Look for them to grow together.

Data Scraping Services exposed bridges and shorts of the circuit is still the potential to wreak havoc on a system. Remain important clues about what happens when the memory bus clock cycles during the installation of the latch is shorted? Maybe the data is corrupted. Perhaps the corruption will be detected and corrected by the error correction algorithms. Affect the data processor is actually an instruction

He logged on to various system disorders - are not logged in or track. If a reset clears the event, problem quickly annoying, but not - as significant is rejected. Often this is not the floor fixed management visibility. If the device must be set and they'll say: "Ask an IT manager ... No, why questions" Ask the operator to reset the equipment needs to be done and they will respond "... Of course, all the time why ask "

So if the Data Scraping Services are everywhere and are instruments to influence how it is not common knowledge? Most users of personal experience or get their information from reliable sources. If personal experience is unforgettable, it's human nature to discount and discard. If a jammed machine reset by filling a cup of coffee is memorable, it is not missed. Popping a diet is unusual and unforgettable. Clicking on the button is not. Data Scraping Services affected or influenced almost all providers.

If the  Services are plentiful, there are no problems?

Research has shown that Data Scraping Services to be reasonably attached to the host surface. Until a certain length, Data Scraping Services rub and rub until they are released by mechanical means such as related. After reaching a certain length, not only freedom from direct mechanical means is possible, but also as a more passive mode of vibration or air flow. Once expelled, Data Scraping Services are free to migrate within the environment.

Data Scraping Services need not be catastrophic failures. Bit errors, soft faults and other defects can be attributed to Data Scraping Services.

What is the treatment for Data Scraping Services?

In general, the accepted treatment to remove Data Scraping Services and is a pure version of the original source material. This tool is not suitable for every bad piece of the place, either a logistical or financial perspective. Does not mean that the problem should be ignored. . Will continue to grow Data Scraping Services. As they are today, they are potentially harmful.

Data Scraping Services through management training, all employees and visitors to the zinc whisker behavior are needed to sign the pledge. The promise Data Scraping Services staff and visitors are forced to treat seriously and will take no action that would aggravate the problem take. Their actions will reflect the best interests of users and reliable computing.


Data Scraping Services are more common than previously believed and accepted. At the same time we can keep up with Data Scraping Services can enjoy fairly reliable operation. But it is important to recognize and manage the situation - not ignore. Living with a chronic infectious disease is a useful model for operations.

Once a surface is the source of zinc whisker, it will always be a source of zinc whisker. Left alone, reliable operation can continue. When the need to interact with the surface, the material does not reveal the need for zinc whisker position.


Thursday, 25 December 2014

Data Mining for Dollars

The more you know, the more you're aware you could be saving. And the deeper you dig, the richer the reward.

That's today's data mining capsulation of your realization: awareness of cost-saving options amid logistical obligations.

According to global trade group Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM), fewer than 25% of organizations in North America and Europe are currently utilizing captured data as part of their business process. With high ease and low cost associated with utilization of their information, this unawareness is shocking. And costly.

Shippers - you're in prime position to benefit the most by data mining and assessing your electronically-captured billing records, by utilizing a freight bill processing provider, to realize and receive significant savings.

Whatever your volume, the more you know about your transportation options, throughout all modes, the easier it is to ship smarter and save. A freight bill processor is able to offer insight capable of saving you 5% - 15% annually on your transportation expenditures.

The University of California - Los Angeles states that data mining is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - knowledge that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. Data mining software is an analytical tool that allows investigation of data from many different dimensions, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations among dozens of fields in large relational databases. Practically, it leads you to noticeable shipping savings.

Data mining and subsequent reporting of shipping activity will yield discovery of timely, actionable information that empowers you to make the best logistics decisions based on carrier options, along with associated routes, rates and fees. This function also provides a deeper understanding of trends, opportunities, weaknesses and threats. Exploration of pertinent data, in any combination over any time period, enables you the operational and financial view of your functional flow, ultimately providing you significant cost savings.

With data mining, you can create a report based on a radius from a ship point, or identify opportunities for service or modal shifts, providing insight regarding carrier usage by lane, volume, average cost per pound, shipment size and service type. Performance can be measured based on overall shipping expenditures, variances from trends in costs, volumes and accessorial charges.

The easiest way to get into data mining of your transportation information is to form an alliance with a freight bill processor that provides this independent analytical tool, and utilize their unbiased technologies and related abilities to make shipping decisions that'll enable you to ship smarter and save.


Monday, 22 December 2014

Scrape Web data using R

Plenty of people have been scraping data from the web using R for a while now, but I just completed my first project and I wanted to share the code with you.  It was a little hard to work through some of the “issues”, but I had some great help from @DataJunkie on twitter.

As an aside, if you are learning R and coming from another package like SPSS or SAS, I highly advise that you follow the hashtag #rstats on Twitter to be amazed by the kinds of data analysis that are going on right now.

One note.  When I read in my table, it contained a wierd set of characters.  I suspect that it is some sort of encoding, but luckily, I was able to get around it by recoding the data from a character factor to a number by using the stringr package and some basic regex expressions.

Bring on fantasy football!


## Help from the followingn sources:

## @DataJunkie on twitter

## http://www.regular-expressions.info/reference.html

## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1395528/scraping-html-tables-into-r-data-frames-using-the-xml-package

## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1395528/scraping-html-tables-into-r-data-frames-using-the-xml-package

## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2443127/how-can-i-use-r-rcurl-xml-packages-to-scrape-this-webpage




# build the URL

url <- paste("http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/stats/byposition?pos=QB",

        "&timeframe=Week1", sep="")

# read the tables and select the one that has the most rows

tables <- readHTMLTable(url)

n.rows <- unlist(lapply(tables, function(t) dim(t)[1]))


# select the table we need - read as a dataframe

my.table <- tables[[7]]

# delete extra columns and keep data rows

View(head(my.table, n=20))

my.table <- my.table[3:nrow(my.table), c(1:3, 5:12, 14:18, 20:21, 23:24) ]

# rename every column

c.names <- c("Name", "Team", "G", "QBRat", "P_Comp", "P_Att", "P_Yds", "P_YpA", "P_Lng", "P_Int", "P_TD", "R_Att",

        "R_Yds", "R_YpA", "R_Lng", "R_TD", "S_Sack", "S_SackYa", "F_Fum", "F_FumL")

names(my.table) <- c.names

# data get read in with wierd symbols - need to remove - initially stored as character factors

# for the loops, I am manually telling the code which regex to use - assumes constant behavior

# depending on where the wierd characters are -- is this an encoding?

front <- c(1)

back <- c(4:ncol(my.table))

for(f in front) {

    test.front <- as.character(my.table[, f])

    tt.front <- str_sub(test.front, start=3)

    my.table[,f] <- tt.front


for(b in back) {

    test <- as.character(my.table[ ,b])

    tt.back <- as.numeric(str_match(test, "\-*\d{1,3}[\.]*[0-9]*"))

    my.table[, b] <- tt.back



# clear memory and quit R




Source: http://www.r-bloggers.com/scrape-web-data-using-r/

Friday, 19 December 2014

Basic Information About Tooth Extraction Cost

In order to maintain the good health of teeth, one must be devoted and must take proper care of one's teeth. Dentists play a huge role in this regard and their support is important in making people aware of their oral conditions, so that they receive the necessary health services concerning the problems of the mouth.

The flat fee of teeth-extraction varies from place to place. Nonetheless, there are still some average figures that people can refer to. Simple extraction of teeth might cause around 75 pounds, but if people need to remove the wisdom teeth, the extraction cost would be higher owing to the complexity of extraction involved.

There are many ways people can adopt in order to reduce the cost of extraction of tooth. For instance, they can purchase the insurance plans covering medical issues beforehand. When conditions arise that might require extraction, these insurance claims can take care of the costs involved.

Some of the dental clinics in the country are under the network of Medicare system. Therefore, it is possible for patients to make claims for these plans to reduce the amount of money expended in this field. People are not allowed to make insurance claims while they undergo cosmetic dental care like diamond implants, but extraction of teeth is always regarded as a necessity for patients; so most of the claims that are made in this front are settled easily.

It is still possible for them to pay less at the moment of the treatment, even if they have not opted for dental insurance policies. Some of the clinics offer plans which would allow patients to pay the tooth extraction cost in the form of installments. This is one of the better ways that people can consider if they are unable to pay the entire cost of tooth extraction immediately.

In fact, the cost of extracting one tooth is not very high and it is affordable to most people. Of course, if there are many other oral problems that you encounter, the extraction cost would be higher. Dentists would also consider the other problems you have and charge you additional fees accordingly. Not brushing the teeth regularly might aid in the development of plaque and this can make the cost of tooth extraction higher.

Maintaining a good oral health is important and it reflects the overall health of an individual.

To conclude, you need to know the information about cost of extraction so you can get the right service and must also follow certain easy practices to reduce the tooth extraction cost.


Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Web Data Extraction Services and Data Collection Form Website Pages

For any business market research and surveys plays crucial role in strategic decision making. Web scrapping and data extraction techniques help you find relevant information and data for your business or personal use. Most of the time professionals manually copy-paste data from web pages or download a whole website resulting in waste of time and efforts.

Instead, consider using web scraping techniques that crawls through thousands of website pages to extract specific information and simultaneously save this information into a database, CSV file, XML file or any other custom format for future reference.

Examples of web data extraction process include:

• Spider a government portal, extracting names of citizens for a survey
• Crawl competitor websites for product pricing and feature data
• Use web scraping to download images from a stock photography site for website design

Automated Data Collection

Web scraping also allows you to monitor website data changes over stipulated period and collect these data on a scheduled basis automatically. Automated data collection helps you discover market trends, determine user behavior and predict how data will change in near future.

Examples of automated data collection include:

• Monitor price information for select stocks on hourly basis
• Collect mortgage rates from various financial firms on daily basis
• Check whether reports on constant basis as and when required

Using web data extraction services you can mine any data related to your business objective, download them into a spreadsheet so that they can be analyzed and compared with ease.

In this way you get accurate and quicker results saving hundreds of man-hours and money!

With web data extraction services you can easily fetch product pricing information, sales leads, mailing database, competitors data, profile data and many more on a consistent basis.

Should you have any queries regarding Web Data extraction services, please feel free to contact us. We would strive to answer each of your queries in detail.


Monday, 15 December 2014

Scraping bids out for SS United States

Yesterday we posted that the Independence Seaport Museum doesn’t have the money to support the upkeep of the USS Olympia nor does it have the money to dredge the channel to tow her away.  On the other side of the river the USS New Jersey Battleship Museum is also having financial troubles. Given the current troubles centered around the Delaware River it almost seems a shame to report that the SS United States, which has been sitting of at Pier 84 in South Philadelphia for the last fourteen years,  is now being inspected by scrap dealers.  Then again, she is a rusting, gutted shell.  Perhaps it is time to let the old lady go.    As reported in Maritime Matters:


An urgent message was sent out today to the SS United States Conservancy alerting members that the fabled liner, currently laid up at Philadelphia, is being inspected by scrap merchants.

“Dear SS United States Conservancy Members and Supporters:

The SS United States Conservancy has learned that America’s national flagship, the SS United States, may soon be destroyed. The ship’s current owners, Genting Hong Kong (formerly Star Cruises Limited), through its subsidiary, Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL), are currently collecting bids from scrappers.

The ship’s current owners listed the vessel for sale in February, 2009. While NCL graciously offered the Conservancy first right of refusal on the vessel’s sale, the Conservancy has not been in a financial position to purchase the ship outright. However, the Conservancy has been working diligently to lay the groundwork for a public-private partnership to save and sustain the ship for generations to come.


Saturday, 13 December 2014

Local ScraperWiki Library

It quite annoyed me that you can only use the scraperwiki library on a ScraperWiki instance; most of it could work fine elsewhere. So I’ve pulled it out (well, for Python at least) so you can use it offline.

How to use
pip install scraperwiki_local
A dump truck dumping its payload

You can then import scraperwiki in scripts run on your local computer. The scraperwiki.sqlite component is powered by DumpTruck, which you can optionally install independently of scraperwiki_local.

pip install dumptruck

DumpTruck works a bit differently from (and better than) the hosted ScraperWiki library, but the change shouldn’t break much existing code. To give you an idea of the ways they differ, here are two examples:

Complex cell values
What happens if you do this?
import scraperwiki
shopping_list = ['carrots', 'orange juice', 'chainsaw']
scraperwiki.sqlite.save([], {'shopping_list': shopping_list})
On a ScraperWiki server, shopping_list is converted to its unicode representation, which looks like this:
[u'carrots', u'orange juice', u'chainsaw']
In the local version, it is encoded to JSON, so it looks like this:
["carrots","orange juice","chainsaw"]

And if it can’t be encoded to JSON, you get an error. And when you retrieve it, it comes back as a list rather than as a string.

Case-insensitive column names
SQL is less sensitive to case than Python. The following code works fine in both versions of the library.

In [1]: shopping_list = ['carrots', 'orange juice', 'chainsaw']
In [2]: scraperwiki.sqlite.save([], {'shopping_list': shopping_list})
In [3]: scraperwiki.sqlite.save([], {'sHOpPiNg_liST': shopping_list})
In [4]: scraperwiki.sqlite.select('* from swdata')

Out[4]: [{u'shopping_list': [u'carrots', u'orange juice', u'chainsaw']}, {u'shopping_list': [u'carrots', u'orange juice', u'chainsaw']}]

Note that the key in the returned data is ‘shopping_list’ and not ‘sHOpPiNg_liST’; the database uses the first one that was sent. Now let’s retrieve the individual cell values.

In [5]: data = scraperwiki.sqlite.select('* from swdata')
In [6]: print([row['shopping_list'] for row in data])
Out[6]: [[u'carrots', u'orange juice', u'chainsaw'], [u'carrots', u'orange juice', u'chainsaw']]

The code above works in both versions of the library, but the code below only works in the local version; it raises a KeyError on the hosted version.

In [7]: print(data[0]['Shopping_List'])
Out[7]: [u'carrots', u'orange juice', u'chainsaw']

Here’s why. In the hosted version, scraperwiki.sqlite.select returns a list of ordinary dictionaries. In the local version, scraperwiki.sqlite.select returns a list of special dictionaries that have case-insensitive keys.

Develop locally

Here’s a start at developing ScraperWiki scripts locally, with whatever coding environment you are used to. For a lot of things, the local library will do the same thing as the hosted. For another lot of things, there will be differences and the differences won’t matter.

If you want to develop locally (just Python for now), you can use the local library and then move your script to a ScraperWiki script when you’ve finished developing it (perhaps using Thom Neale’s ScraperWiki scraper). Or you could just run it somewhere else, like your own computer or web server. Enjoy!


Thursday, 11 December 2014

A quick guide on web scraping: Why and how

Web scraping, which is the collection and cleaning of online data, is the first step in any
data-driven project. Here’s a short video that explains what scraping is, and how to create
automated scraping jobs using a digital tool.

This is a 15-minute video created by an instructor at Ohio State University. In the first six
minutes, the instructor talks about why we need web scraping; he then shows how to use a
scraping tool, OutWit Hub, to collect data scattered in a large database.

FYI: read reviews by Reporters’ Lab of OutWit Hub and other web scraping tools.

Source: http://www.mulinblog.com/quick-guide-web-scraping/

Monday, 8 December 2014

Scraping and Analyzing Angel List Syndicates: Kimono Labs + Silk

Because we use Silk to tell stories and visualize data, we are always looking for interesting ways to pull data into a Silk. Right now that means getting data into the CSV format. Fortunately, a wave of new and powerful visual webscraping tools and services have emerged. These make it very simple for anyone (no technical skills required) to scrape data from a website and export that data into a CSV which we can quickly upload into a Silk.

Cool New Scraping Tools
One of the tools we love in this new space is Kimono Labs. Backed by Y Combinator, Kimono combines a visual scraping editor with the ability to do very granular code-inspector level editing to scraping paths. Saved scrapes can be turned into APIs and exported as JSON. Kimono also lets you save time-series versioning of scrapes.

Data from angel-list-syndicates.silk.co
Like many startups, we watch the goings on at AngelList very closely. Syndicates are of particular interest. Basically, these are DIY venture capital pools that allow a qualified investor to serve as a syndicate leader and aggregate small investments from other qualified investors who are members of AngelList. The idea of the syndicates is to democratize the VC process and make it easier and less risky for individuals to participate.

We used Kimono to scrape information on the Top 25 Syndicates ranked by dollars backing each round. Kimono makes it very easy to visually designate which parts of a page to scrape and how many rows there are on a page. (Here you can see me highlighting the minimum dollar investment). We downloaded the information as a CSV and did a quick scrub to get it ready for upload to Silk. The process took no more than 15 minutes.

We could tell by eyeballing the numbers beforehand that a serious Power Law was in effect. And the actual data analysis on Silk bore this out. We chose to use a pie chart to show distribution. Three syndicates control nearly two-thirds of all the committed capital by Angel.co members in the syndicate program. One of the top three - Tim Ferriss - has no background as a venture capitalist or building technology companies but is rapidly becoming a force in startup investing. The person with the largest committed syndicate pool, Gil Penachina, is someone who is a quiet mover and shaker in Silicon Valley but he clearly packs a huge punch.

The largest syndicate in terms of likely commitments of deals per year is Foundry Group Angels, a group led by Brad Feld (@bfeld). While they put in less per deal, they are planning to back over 50 deals per year - a huge number. Trailing far behind those three was media impresario and Launch conference mogul Jason Calacanis, who is one of the most visible people in the startup space.

Source: http://blog.silk.co/post/83501793279/scraping-and-analyzing-angel-list-syndicates

Monday, 1 December 2014

Web Scraping’s 2013 Review – part 1

Here we are, almost having ended another year and having the chance to analyze the aspects of the Web scraping market over the last twelve months. First of all i want to underline all the buzzwords on the tech field as published in the Yahoo’s year in review article . According to Yahoo, the most searched items wore

  •     iPhone (including 4, 5, 5s, 5c, and 6)
  •     Samsung (including Galaxy, S4, S3, Note)
  •     Siri
  •     iPad Cases
  •     Snapchat
  •     Google Glass
  •     Apple iPad
  •     BlackBerry Z10
  •     Cloud Computing

It’s easy to see that none of this terms regards in any way with the field of data mining, and they rather focus on the gadgets and apps industry, which is just one of the ways technology can evolve to. Regarding actual data mining industry there were a lot of talks about it in this year’s MIT’s Engaging Data 2013 Conference. One of the speakers Noam Chomsky gave an acid speech relating data extraction and its connection to the Big Data phenomena that is also on everyone’s lips this year. He defined a good way to see if Big Data works by following a series of few simple factors: 1. It’s the analysis, not the raw data, that counts. 2. A picture is worth a thousand words 3. Make a big data portal (Not sure if Facebook is planning on dominating in cloud services some day) 4. Use a hybrid organizational model (We’re asleep already, soon)  let’s move 5. Train employees Other interesting declaration  was given by EETimes saying, “Data science will do more for medicine in the next 10 years than biological science.” which says a lot about the volume of required extracted data.

Because we want to cover as many as possible events about data mining this article will be a two parter, so don’t forget to check our blog tomorrow when the second part of this article will come up!
